West Beach Residence

Westbrook, Connecticut


This new home’s waterfront site presented significant challenges. Testing indicated organic soil extending to an undetermined depth. FEMA dictated that the first floor be elevated to avoid flood and wave-action damage and that measures be taken to resist hurricane-force winds on the building frame. The owners requested that the residence be fully accessible so an elevator was incorporated in the design and wheelchair allowances made.. Regulatory constraints significantly limited the building size and height.

Steel pilings were driven to refusal (i.e. when they hit structurally sound soil). As each piling was fully sunk, it was welded to the next. Refusal was reached at 50’ below grade. When all pilings were set, a steel-reinforced, concrete grade beam was constructed to bear on them. Steel reinforced concrete piers were then constructed upon the grade beam. The first floor was framed over the piers with all connections tied together to resist wind loads. The area below the first floor is allowed to be used as a garage. Break-away walls, designed to release under the force of storm-driven waves, were constructed to enclosed the spaces between piers.


Facade Improvement


Cornfield Point Residence